Parish Registration

Parish Registration

Welcome to the parish registration form for Annunciation of the Lord parish! There are two ways of registering to join our parish community.

The first is filling out a registration form. Parish registration forms are available in the parish office. Physical forms can be filled out and dropped off in the parish office in the basement of the Church.

You can also register online, which is the preferred way of registering for our parish so it is easier to copy and paste information from the online form to our system.

At the end of this form, there will be a question about involvement and bulletins. If you would like to get involved, check off the boxes of organizations you are interested in and we will get back to you soon with more information. If you would not, just check off the box "I do not want to get involved at this time." We are also asking if you would like the parish bulletin sent right to your inbox every week. If you would like to receive the bulletin online, click "yes" or "no" if you do not want to receive the emails.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the parish office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, and may God bless you and your families.

Family Information

Marial Status

Husband Information

Please fill out the section below if applicable to your family.

Wife Information

Please fill out the section below if applicable to your family.

Children in home

General Questions

Questions and Comments


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