A new series for our parish



“Beauty is capable of creating communion, because it unites God, humanity and creation in a single symphony; because it joins the past, the present and the future; because it draws different people and distant people into the same place and involves them in the same gaze…. [Authentic art can show God’s goodness to others and is] capable of speaking about God better than anyone.”

Pope Francis spoke these words to a crowd of artists and sculptors in the Vatican in February, 2022. Sacred art has always played and continues to play an important role in the Church, but is something we often take for granted. It is easy to overlook certain pieces of artwork that we see everyday without even realizing what it is depicting, the history behind the piece, what the artist is communicating by it, and how we can use it to bring us into prayer. This practice is known as Visio Divina and allows us to meditate on a piece of artwork.

Parishioner Tom Canuel will be starting up a new series titled, “Annunciation Aesthetics,” a series aimed at exploring artwork at our parish. A new article will be published in the bulletin every other week showing off over 20 pieces around the parish, examining a brief history of the art or imagery, and exploring elements that show the importance of the artwork. To see all the articles, a blog has been published to the Annunciation of the Lord website. Keep an eye on the bulletin and the website to learn about pieces of art in our parish.


  • Tom CanuelPosted on 8/15/23

    If you would like to add any contributions to any of the future posts, please feel free to comment below or let the parish office know!